Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mini concentration #1

Hello my mini concentration is based on the concept of stereotypes, how people see them on what they are and how they really are (just people) and i showed how other people see them by the common search box on google.


  1. I really like the idea a lot. The google search is really clever and shows stereotypes well and your description fits. The emotions of each person are displayed really well and the blank background keeps the view focused on the subject. What I don’t like is that the only person that looks like their “descriptor” is the athlete who is wearing a volleyball shirt. I don’t see the connection with the other two people and their “descriptor.” I think there may be an indirect to connect the girl to being a musician without obscuring or detracting from the meaning of the mini-concentration as a whole.

  2. The description you gave was really representative. I really liked how you used the concept of stereotypes through the use of Google. These pictures are truly creative and original. I really liked the one with Sam, simply because the Google results gave us both negative and positive aspects of “musicians”. This gives us a more comprehensive view of all people. I think my least favorite would be the first one with Kylie because the words inside the box seemed too small, and it was too hard to read. Other than that, these pictures are really awesome, and good.

  3. MY FACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCE wow good job london a+ they look awesome, my only critique is that you were closer to my face than kylie and bayley's so it looks a lot bigger/

  4. AMAZING !!!!! great description and idea !!! my favorite is kylie's because she looks really fierce and that goes well with the whole opposition of stereotypes thing. my least favorite is probably sam's bc i don't think musicians really have a big stereotype problem lbr musicians ARE THE BEST.

  5. the description does match the photos. I like the Idea a lot and I like how clean and simply the photos are. I don’t have a best because they are all good! Nor do I have a bad one. Maybe to improve you could have them ether doing a sport or in my sports gear or have them with their interment. good job!

  6. The description matches the photos. Over all I think you did a really good job. The idea is really cool and stereotypes are very real and need to be addressed I think. The best photo is probably the second one just because the text is easiest to read and the lighting is good. The first one might be a bit not so good because it’s hard to read the text. Improvement could be lighting and possibly text size.

    This is really cool, London!
